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Mercury: the planet of Intellect and Communication.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and never farther than 28 degrees. He takes 87 days and 23 hours to orbit the Sun and stays about 30 days in a Zodiac sign. In the zodiac, Mercury rules over Gemini, the airy sign, and Virgo, the earthy sign.   Gemini and Virgo fall in the    common or mutable category of zodiac signs; mutable or common signs indicate changeable and indecisive nature. The Mercury of Gemini represents sharp intellect, inquisitiveness, curiosity, memory power, inventive faculties, wittiness, humour, analytical power; exploring and research oriented nature, unstable and changeable and extrovert nature whereas the Mercury of Virgo represents a nature of expertise in planning and executing with a sole objective of gaining material advantage –fulfilling epicurean pursuit.   Mercury signifies intellect and communication; it is also called the messenger planet: in the context of the present era, the planet of mass communication. Mercury is very curious and ha

The Saturn in the Perspective of Astrology. Part:1

The Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the 2nd largest planet after Jupiter in the solar system. It takes 29 years 167 days and 5 hours to go round the Sun. He(Saturn)is more than 760 times bigger than the earth. Saturn rules over two signs of the zodiac: Capricorn and Aquarius. In general, Saturn has overtones of an obstacle, delay, frustration, isolation and insularity, concentration, inertia, and servitude. In the physical plane, it governs bones, hair, nails, and teeth.  Saturn Saturn is the force of aging and therefore represents all that corrodes, eats and clogs. And, thus the diseases that he  represents  are chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, tuberculosis, insanity, rheumatism, and toothache, epilepsy, black jaundice, catarrh, melancholy, fistulas, apoplexy, dropsy and leprosy, deafness and adenoid growths. Saturn’s affliction in any one of the twelve signs and houses can cause one of these diseases.   If Saturn is afflicted in earth