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Showing posts with the label Yogas for Auspicious activities. Restricted tithis for Auspicious Activities. 10 impotant yogas in Vedic Astrology. Rahukaal and Gulik Kaal

Significance of Tithi in the Hindu Way of Life.

We know that the Moon revolves around the earth in about 29.5 days and the earth around the sun in about 365 days and 6 hours synchronously.  In the course of revolutions, different angles are formed between the moon and the earth in relation to the sun.  These angles are called the phases of the moon. Every day, they appear differently during the revolution of the moon. While orbiting the earth through the zodiac the longitudinal distance between the moon and the sun varies from 0° between 360°. Each zodiac sign is 30°. Generally, the moon moves 12° forward in a day. Therefore the moon stays 2 days and 6 hours in a zodiac sign. In astrology, the 12° distance between the moon and the sun is called a tithi. When the moon travels 12° further from the sun( the waxing period) then it completes the first tithi: the sukla pratipada and at the distance of 180° it completes 15 tithis (180°÷12=15): the full moon. So, during the full moon, the sun and the moon are 180° apart which is the