Continued From the Preceding Post...... The significance of this Muhurta : - The name of this Muhurta is Brahma Muhurta. In Hinduism, the three cosmic functions, namely, the creation, the preservation or maintenance, and the destruction are performed by the Triad of Brahma, Bishnu, and Maheswar respectively. So, Brahma (the macrocosm) is the creator of the universe (the cosmos). Hence, this Muhurta (48 minutes) is the muhurta of ‘creation’. According to Ayurveda, this time is the best time for Yoga practice and Meditation. Rishi Shushrut defined this Muhurta as Amrit Muhurta. Amrit means Nectar. So, this is the time to create you by yourself; this is the time to wean on the Amrit! Amrit (Nectar)!! What is Amrit…? Where is Amrit? Amrit is within us; Amrit is around us: in the environment, atmosphere, and in our thought… During the Brahma Muhurta, the atmosphere is serene and pure. It is free from pollutant element: noise and commotion, devoid of smokes, pollutant, ...
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