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Showing posts with the label Singer and musicians Singing career

Becoming a professional singer.

A successful singing career inextricably endows one with wealth, name, fame, and glamour. With the proliferation of the media, the career scope of professional singers is ever growing wider and wider.   A lot many people aspire to become singers and musicians of repute; but, how many of them can fulfill their dream! In addition to regular practice and hard labour what more paragons of virtues one should possess so as to reach out at the zenith of popularity in the field of this discipline. Let’s try to find the answers from the perspective of Indian astrology. According to astrological principles, firstly, the 2nd, 3rd, 5 th , and 4 th houses from the   Ascendant of the birth chart; their lords and the significators of the houses must have links to one another. For confirmation of the findings, the same thing can be judged from the Moon sign and the Navamsha Chart also.    2ndly, it is also to be seen that the Moon and the Venus are some way or other linked to abo