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Showing posts with the label Imporance of Panchang in Vedic Astrology. Compatibility matching of Horoscopes. Mangal Dosha in Horoscope.

Rahu: the Planet of Unending desire and Attachment.

In Vedic astrology the Rahu and Ketu are accredited as planets –they are members of the Nabagraha (nine planets) in the planetary assembly.  Actually they do not have any physical shape, size and structure. In reality they are the two nodes of the Moon (Lunar Nodes) –the mathematical points –the points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the ecliptic (the ecliptic is the pathway along which the sun apparently moves around the earth; it is called the Sun’s apparent path because from the earth it seems that the Sun is moving –in fact the ecliptic is the pathway or the orbit of the earth).  The northern point of intersection is called the North Node or ascending node and the Southern point the Southern Node or descending node.   In Hindu mythology and Indian astrology these two lunar points are called as Rahu and Ketu. They are always   exactly 180° apart from each other, e.g., if Rahu sits at 25°-20´ in Aries, then Ketu inevitably falls at 25°-20´ in Libra, and as such they are