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Rahu: the Planet of Unending desire and Attachment.

In Vedic astrology the Rahu and Ketu are accredited as planets –they are members of the Nabagraha (nine planets) in the planetary assembly. 
Actually they do not have any physical shape, size and structure. In reality they are the two nodes of the Moon (Lunar Nodes) –the mathematical points –the points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the ecliptic (the ecliptic is the pathway along which the sun apparently moves around the earth; it is called the Sun’s apparent path because from the earth it seems that the Sun is moving –in fact the ecliptic is the pathway or the orbit of the earth). 
The northern point of intersection is called the North Node or ascending node and the Southern point the Southern Node or descending node. In Hindu mythology and Indian astrology these two lunar points are called as Rahu and Ketu. They are always  exactly 180° apart from each other, e.g., if Rahu sits at 25°-20´ in Aries, then Ketu inevitably falls at 25°-20´ in Libra, and as such they are also called Rahu- Ketu axis. 
Rahu and Ketu always move in backward direction which in astrological terminology is called Retrograde Motion –in other words, Rahu and Ketu move backwards whereas the other planets move onwards. They stay 1½ year in a sign and thus take 18 years to complete one cycle around the zodiac.
Astrology believes in the unending cycle of births and deaths and vice versa. In fact the philosophical foundation of astrology is based over our births and deaths cycles. Rahu- Ketu axis in the horoscope helps us to decode the mystical information of our past life experiences and the karmic goal of this current life. Ketu, the south node, gives us clues about our past births’ experiences and Rau, the destination of the current life. This column is intended to shed some focus only on Rahu.
Rahu doesn’t own ownership of any sign but being a shadow planet, he rules the sign in which he sits along with the sign’s natural ruler. The very important point to be noted about Rahu is that he significantly expands (amplifies) the significations of the sign and house (this is the dharma of a shadow planet) he occupies in the birth chart and implements the events or results promised by the planet or planets with which he is conjoined. 
The 2nd important point about Rahu is that when he is functionally benefic in a chart, he gives much more than Jupiter gives; in terms of wealth, name, fame, power and position in society, Jupiter confers as much of them so much is justified, but Rahu confers them immensely though the native does not deserve to possess so much and, in fact, they are beyond the expectation of the native (the receiver). 
The bad side of Rahu’s unbelievable favour is that all the things that Rahu gives during his period are taken back towards the last phase of ending period of his Mahadasha! On the other hand, when and whatever Jupiter gives, he gives for ever –permanently. The reasoning of such behavior of Rahu is that he is a planet of illusion and Maya. 
He represents insatiable desire for material possession, pleasure, and attachment to all worldly stuff, dashing lifestyle, power, and position etc. –a bottomless pitcher of desire. He helps the native to soar up the desire, fulfills his material indulgence and holds him there for sometime (a state of Maya and attachment) then pulls him nosedive –this is Rahu! 
By innate nature Rahu is always antagonistic to the established social norms, culture, conventions and values. He is unethical and thus negative Rahu incites to revolt against cultural norms. His thoughts are uncommon and unique to the current trend.
Rahu is the significator of tactics –the knack for executing is desire into reality by hook or by crook. Therefore, a strong and functionally positive Rahu is considered as a boon in the birth charts of politicians. The 3rd important point to note about Rahu is that he is considered the karaka of modern high technology, especially the wireless communication systems –the virtual world. As for diseases, an inflicted Rahu stands for diseases of serious and complex nature. 
Cancerous diseases come under the domain of Rahu (the judgment involves a complex process). In this context, I would like add this point that a strong and infliction free Lagna (Ascendant) and Lagna Lord can afford the power to ward off any fatal diseases otherwise indicated by some other configurations and alignments.  
The other diseases ruled by Rahu are intestinal diseases, ulcer, leprosy, diseases of digestive system, breathing trouble, cutaneous diseases such as psoriasis (scales n skin), eczema, ringworm etc.,  boils, enlargement of spleen, tumour, mental aberration, schizophrenia, hallucination, and toothache.
Rahu rules a wide variety of areas of professions. Chemical and gas industry, fertilizer, pesticide, metal exploring and mining, manufacturing industries; rubber and plastic, drugs and poisonous substances, sports, and mass communication, and media related industries come under the domain of Rahu. 
Therefore, Rahu signifies all those professions that are related with above mentioned areas. To name a few, for example, software engineer, web designer, technicians, technical in film industry, investigation officer, detective etc. All type of illicit activities, underground related activities; smuggling, and gambling etc come under domain of negative Rahu.
Positive Rahu governs diplomacy skill and politics. Thus, politicians and ambassadors also come within ambit of Rahu governed professions.   
The following are a few facts represented by Rahu: -
1)    Day of the week: -Friday
2)    The zodiac sign of exaltation: - Gemini/ Taurus
3)    The zodiac sign of debilitation: - Sagittarius/ Scorpio.
4)    The Mool Trikona sign: - Leo
5)    Colour: - Grey and smoky.
6)    Metals: - Plastic, rubber, graphite, leads, and iron alley.
7)    Gemstone: -  Hassonite (Gomed.)
8)    Natural friends: - Mercury, Venus, Saturn.
9)    Natural enemy: - Sun, Moon, Mars.
10)   Neutral Planet: - Jupiter.
11)   Favourable houses: - 3rd, 7th, 11th (Kaam Trikon houses), and 6th house.
12)  Deity: - Goddess Durga.

Mantra: - Om Oeng hring sri Rahabe Namah. 12,000 times, on Friday  after Sunset or midnight. 
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