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Venus: the planet of Love, Beauty and Romance.

The Venus is the second brightest star of the solar system and the only planet that travels to the closest proximity to the earth (38 million kilometers) comparing the other planets.   She stays about 30 days in a sign of the zodiac and is never above forty-eight degrees from the Sun; therefore, she is never two signs away from the Sun. The Venus and Moon are considered as the feminine planets in the planetary cabinet.   The Venus is called the #Goddess of love and beauty. In men’s birth chart the she signifies wife. Venus stands for love, beauty, desire, affection,courtship, attraction, fertility, peace, compassion, softness, kindness, sensual pleasure derived from all the five senses, romance, and entertainments.  All kinds of recreational and creative activities such as fine arts, painting, poetry, creative writing, music, playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, and acting come within the jurisdiction of the Venus.   The Venus rules over material possessions, cre