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Venus: the planet of Love, Beauty and Romance.

The Venus is the second brightest star of the solar system and the only planet that travels to the closest proximity to the earth (38 million kilometers) comparing the other planets.  She stays about 30 days in a sign of the zodiac and is never above forty-eight degrees from the Sun; therefore, she is never two signs away from the Sun. The Venus and Moon are considered as the feminine planets in the planetary cabinet.
The Venus is called the #Goddess of love and beauty. In men’s birth chart the she signifies wife. Venus stands for love, beauty, desire, affection,courtship, attraction, fertility, peace, compassion, softness, kindness, sensual pleasure derived from all the five senses, romance, and entertainments. All kinds of recreational and creative activities such as fine arts, painting, poetry, creative writing, music, playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, and acting come within the jurisdiction of the Venus.
The Venus rules over material possessions, creature comforts such as all those stuff which help us to live luxurious life, and prosperity, material riches. In fact the aestheticism, hedonism, epicureanism, attachment, and sense of enchantments come under the domain of the Venus only. Venus also represents expertise in all form of knowledge.
Venus is very quick to learning.  Planets work interactively with the signs and houses; therefore, as to what and how much of the Venusian qualities are tinged with in the horoscope is judged from the placement of planets. For example, Venus in conjunction with Mars and Rahu in Aries in 8th, 12th, or 6th house denotes indomitable sex urge, because, Aries is a Movable sign, Mars is a planet of action, haste, and impulses; and Rahu amplifies the things and executes his desire by hook or crook.
Venus in the Taurus signifies   financial security, romance, creative talent, and sensual (not lustful nature) pleasure. On the contrary, Venus in conjunct with Saturn in the sign of Capricorn connotes somewhat stoic type of nature and etc. These are only thumb rules; there are much more thing to examine before we reach to a conclusion.
In Vedic astrology, anatomically, the Venus rules over eyes sight, neck, throat, thymus gland, cheeks, kidneys, sex organs, semen, urinary system, ovary, and veins. During the Mahadasha, Antardasha or Pratyantardasha the disease related with these body parts may occur.
As for profession, the Venus represents textile industry, ready made garments, interior decoration, beauty parlor, hair stylist, barber, fashion designer, marriage broker, marriage registerer, veterinary doctor, automobile dealer, fancy goods dealer, hotel and restaurant, bakery, cook, jewelry, luxury item business, gems stone business, bank and finance related job, tax and finance department, business of fragrant and aromatic stuffs, sculptor, craft and sculpture, film industry, acting in theater, cinema, modeling, singing, dancing, musician, counseling, any creative activity, writer, columnist,  lyricist, and politics. 
The following are some of the important facts about the Venus:-
1)    The day of the week of Venus:- Friday
2)    The direction: - Southeast.
3)    The zodiac signs owned by Venus: - Taurus and Libra.
4)    The exaltation sign:-Pisces
5)    The debilitation sign:- Virgo
6)    The Mool Trikona sign: - Libra.

7)    Natural friends: - Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
8)    Natural enemies: - Sun, Moon.
9)    Neutral planets: - Mars, Jupiter.
10)    The season   represented by Venus: - Spring season
11)    Color: - White and variegated of colors.
12)   Caste of Venus: - Brahmin

13)   Element governed by Venus: - Watery
14)    The Nakshatras owned by Venus: - Bharani, Poorbaphalgulguni, and, Poorbashada
15)   Metal represented by Venus: - Silver and Platinum.
16)   Gem stone represented by Venus: - Diamond.
17)    Taste and flavor governed by Venus: - Sour taste.
18)    Deity: - Laxmi. 
Mantra for Venus: - Om Hring Shring srisukraya namah. 21,000 times.
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