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Showing posts with the label Planetary Transition

Jupiter Transit on Taurus 2024 For All Ascendants

  Jupiter is going to leave Aries sign and transit on to Taurus on 1st May 2024 and His transit on Taurus will remain till 14th May 2025. Jupiter is the biggest of the seven planets of solar system. Jupiter transit is awaited with much hope and expectation for Jupiter is believed to be the significator of auspiciousness, growth and expansion; his transition sign and the signs that receive his aspects are considered to have the touch of auspiciousness and divinity even though he may give bad results in case he becomes the ruler of the bad houses in the chart. So, even in such cases, Jupiter’s transit and aspects can neutralise the malefic effects the house if any. And when he owns good houses, his transit and aspects have the capacity to boost the auspiciousness and auspicious growth of the houses concerned. In this article, I am going to discuss the possible effects of this transit against all 12 ascendants. So, this discussion is based on the ascendant, not o

Jupiter Transit Effects 2023 on Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.

Jupiter is the largest of all the planets. He takes about one year to complete his one cycle around the zodiac wheel. It means Jupiter in his cycles revisits each of the zodiac sign only after twelve years. Jupiter is said to be the teacher and mentor of the deities; so he is also known as Dev-Guru.  Jupiter is the most natural beneficent and benevolent planets. His presence in any housein birth chart and his glance on any house and or planet/planets enhances theauspiciousness of the concerned house or the planet/planets – wherever he sitsin a birth chart and casts his glance adds additional drops of auspiciousnessand expands the qualities of the house and the planet/planets concerned. So,Jupiter’s transition on to a sign or house has rightly been considered as most important in the realm  of astrology. On April 22, 2023 Jupiter has transited on to Aries where he will be staying until April 30, 2024. Therefore, this post is about to shed light on the possible effects of this t