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Rahu kaal and Gulik kaal.

Rahu Kaal: - The concept of Rahukaal, Gulikakaal, Yamaghanta and Vishaghati are the creation of the Hindu Astrology. In the Hindu system of astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets, although they have no physical entity. In reality, they are the northern and southern nodes of the Moon respectively.   The northern point of intersection on the ecliptic by the Moon’s orbit is called Rahu and the southern point of intersection on the ecliptic by the Moon’s orbit is called Ketu. So, they are very sensitive points. According to a Hindu myth, Rahu obscured the Sun temporarily making the earth devoid of light and warmth. Rahu is an embodiment of evil; kaal means time. So, the meaning of Rahukaal is the period of time of a day over which the Rahu rules. By the traditional wisdom of the Hindu, Rahukaal is a time segment during which undertaking any new activities like buying assets, vehicle, building a new house etc are considered inauspicious. If done, the end result wi