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The Saturn in the Perspective of Astrology. Part:1

The Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the 2nd largest planet after Jupiter in the solar system. It takes 29 years 167 days and 5 hours to go round the Sun. He(Saturn)is more than 760 times bigger than the earth.

Saturn rules over two signs of the zodiac: Capricorn and Aquarius. In general, Saturn has overtones of an obstacle, delay, frustration, isolation and insularity, concentration, inertia, and servitude. In the physical plane, it governs bones, hair, nails, and teeth. 
Saturn is the force of aging and therefore represents all that corrodes, eats and clogs. And, thus the diseases that he represents are chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, tuberculosis, insanity, rheumatism, and toothache, epilepsy, black jaundice, catarrh, melancholy, fistulas, apoplexy, dropsy and leprosy, deafness and adenoid growths. Saturn’s affliction in any one of the twelve signs and houses can cause one of these diseases.
If Saturn is afflicted in earthy signs it can cause to rheumatism, arthritis; airy signs to gastric, respiratory problems, asthma; watery signs to piles, fistula, and problem in the excretory system of the body and in fiery signs to digestion and problems of burning sensation in stomach and the chest. 

Its affliction in different houses causes to different diseases. For example, if he is the lord of 6th house and severely afflicted by Mars in the 12th house and somehow forming connections with 8th and 1st hoses or their lords then it is almost sure signal of causing a serious problem with legs. 

Afflicted in the 8th sign and the sign being the 12th house from the ascendant causes piles or fistula. And so on. However, a strong Saturn in the 8th house with the lord of the 1st house or without it is a sign of long life.
A debilitated or afflicted or com-busted Saturn in the natal horoscope tends to encourage melancholy, lethargy, carelessness, indifference, suspiciousness, and cowardice. 

In such position of Saturn, if he is without mitigating aspect from Jupiter, one is destined to meet with misfortune one after another and cannot escape the law of cause and effect. In such cases, one can get rid of its severity of action by being kind to animals and honest and truthful to his fellow men. 

A native with weak Saturn is wasteful of time and money and lacks patience and perseverance. He gives up his vent venture at just the time when the tide would naturally turn to his favor; just because of lack of patience.
He is hopeless, frustrated, prejudiced and takes the narrow, negative and bitter view of life.
I repeat it here that Saturn is the Lord of two signs: Capricorn and Aquarius which are the 10th and 11th houses of the zodiac. 

In the material and practical plane, they (the two houses) stand for occupation/profession, position, power, honor, social standing and income and fulfillment of aspiration. 

Thu Thus Saturn being the lord of these two houses governs character of these houses. On the other hand, according to astrological philosophy the Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Venus are attributed to be the planets of millennium AD. Thus, a native with an elevated Saturn in his/her natal chart gains riches easily.
He/she is shrewd of taking advantage of those who are less fortunate. The native possesses the attribution of punctuality, persistence, perseverance, and meticulousness.
He is also thrifty, prudent and provident. These virtues help the native to reach the highest goals rather easily.                     Continued to the next page...  For cost-free and natural remedies to the SadeSaati Effects of Sani, e-mail your birth chart to OR contact on +919401801731.   

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