Jupiter is going to leave Aries sign and transit on to Taurus on 1st May 2024 and His transit on Taurus will remain till 14th May 2025. Jupiter is the biggest of the seven planets of solar system.
Jupiter transit is awaited with much
hope and expectation for Jupiter is believed to be the significator of
auspiciousness, growth and expansion; his transition sign and the signs that
receive his aspects are considered to have the touch of auspiciousness and
divinity even though he may give bad results in case he becomes the ruler of
the bad houses in the chart.
So, even in such cases, Jupiter’s
transit and aspects can neutralise the malefic effects the house if any. And
when he owns good houses, his transit and aspects have the capacity to boost
the auspiciousness and auspicious growth of the houses concerned.
In this article, I am going to
discuss the possible effects of this transit against all 12 ascendants. So,
this discussion is based on the ascendant, not on the sign or Rashi. The
Ascendant wise transit results affect us on our physical plane or practical
life and the Rashi wise transition results affect us on our mental or
psychological level.
Aries Ascendant: - For Aries Ascendant Jupiter is Karaka
or auspicious planet for he is a natural friend to Mars, the ascendant lord and
rules the most auspicious trine house, the 9th house and 12th
house. For Aries ascendant Jupiter will
transit through the 2nd house and cast his divine aspects on the 6th,
8th and 10th houses.
This transit of Jupiter will boost up
your income flow and strengthen your financial position. Inflow of money from
foreign land or foreign sources is possible. Your family is likely to grow up
as getting married by any one of your family members or birth of child is on
the card. Your health condition will go better than before; also, you will get
rid of ill health if you have any.
Repayment of old debt will be
possible. In case you are in litigation or court case, you will have way out to
fix them in your favour. Your opponents, enemies will become passive. Any
challenges and obstacles if you were facing then you will be able to solve them
amicably and diplomatically.
New job aspirants will be able to get
job and employment. Those who are already in job will have very pleasant and
supportive environment in their work place. Getting honour, promotion and
salary hike are on the cards if you are passing through favourable planetary
periods. Income flow of spouse will also increase.
Remedy: - Recite Guru Gayatri Mantra
108 times daily after bath in the morning.
Taurus Ascendant: - For Taurus Ascendant Jupiter rules
the 8th house and 11th house and will transit through the
Ascendant or the 1st house and cast his aspects on the 5th,
7th, and 9th house.
Your personality will shine and draw respect
and public attention. Noble and wise thoughts will enlighten your mind. You
will be attracted to new learnings and try to enhance the horizon of your
knowledge. Students will be able to focus more on their studies and shine
academic performance. This transit is very helpful for the degree level as well
as higher level students. Long distance travel for higher study purposes as
well as pilgrimage or tour and travel for religious purposes is on the cards.
Single ones of marriageable age may
get into nuptial knot. Married couple expecting birth of child will get their
desire fulfilled. For the love bird this is a favourable period. Love
relationship may transform into marriage if it is desired.
Possibility of meeting with accidents
and surgical intervention for chronic diseases cannot be ruled out. Also
getting obsessed because of fat accumulation in the body and cholesterol level
rise are also on the cards.
Remedy: - Donate fruits to patients
in hospital.
Gemini Ascendant: - Jupiter being the lord of the 7th
house and 10th house for Gemini Ascendant will transit on to 12th
house and cast his aspects on the 4th house, 6th house
and 9th house. Jupiter’s 12th house transit will rise
your expenses. But the expenses will be for auspicious causes; possibly you it
will be for welfare of public, religious causes, and pilgrimage or religious
You will tend to invest on
real-estate besides purchasing items of creature comforts and vehicle, building
a new house or renovating old house. Long distance travel or a trip to foreign
land with your spouse is much possible which may dip deep into your pockets.
Besides, you may have to make expenses on the health-related matters of your
spouse and yourself.
On the career front, job transfer to
a distance location or job change is possible.
Remedy: - Chant Sukra Gayatri Mantra
108 times daily.
Cancer Ascendant: - For Cancer Ascendant Jupiter rules 6th
house and 9th house and transits on the 11th house and
from the 11th house his aspects fall on the 2nd house, 5th
house and 7th house. This
transit of Jupiter will endow with material gain, growth and prosperity
abundantly through business in legal and transparent way. Native’s father will
also reap a lot of material success.
This period will be more favourable
for those who are associated with transport, communication, media and contract
related business domains. The employees in the domains of medical, paramedical
and judiciary can expect for salary hike as well as promotion if is due.
Students of all levels, form primary
to higher level, will shine through their academic performance. They will make
successful efforts to gain knowledge from various sources. Short and
long-distance travel for higher education and religious purpose are on cards.
The period will prove to be very supportive and ideal for love birds. Marriage
aspirant singles can hopefully look forward for getting the nuptial knot tied.
The conjugal life of already married couples will go blissfully.
Leo Ascendant: - Jupiter rules 5th house
and 8th house and is transiting on to 10th house, i.e.,
the house of profession for Leo Ascendant. From the 10th house,
Jupiter will cast his 5th aspect the 2nd house, 7th
aspect on 4th house and 9th aspect on 6th
Jupiter is karak planet for Leo
Ascendant and his transit to the 10th house is considered
beneficial. Your work place environment will be pleasant and congenial;
understanding and co-operation with coworkers, seniors and boss will increase.
Also, you will have chances of promotion, honour, accolade and salary hike. Social
status and dignity increasing is also very much in the cards.
Domestic environment will be very
pleasant; a spiritual and religious type of atmosphere at home will make a
blissful ambience at home. Mother’s health will improve and your relationship
and bonding with mother will go very smooth. Purchasing land and property looks
possible. Building a new house or renovating the old one and buying vehicle and
creature comfort articles are almost confirmed during this transition of
If any loan is already applied or
apply during this period for property and vehicle related matters then chances
of getting the loan is possible. In case you have old debt, you will be able to
clear it out. Old dispute and/or court case, if any will get favourably
resolved. Obstacle, challenges, and enmity, if you have any, they will get
resourcefully and diplomatically resolved.
Having said that you also need to
take care with your job, especially if your 10th house is afflicted
in your natal chart and you are running through bad planetary period as per
your natal chart. In that case you need to check out your ego in the work
place; otherwise, chances of being axed from job cannot be ruled out.
However, in case your 10th
house is unafflicted and 10th lord is favourably positioned in the
natal chart and favourable planetary period is operating then you can expect
sudden change of job for the better or promotion.
Virgo Ascendant: - For Virgo Ascendant Jupiter rules 4th and 7th
house and will transit on to 9th house. From 9th house
Jupiter will cast his 5th aspect on the Ascendant, 7th
aspect on 3rd house and 9th aspect on 5th
house. So, the transition of Jupiter is expected to go favourable for Virgo
Ascendant natives. Fortune will favour you.
You will possibly have opportunity of
long distance or foreign travel for religious and/or educational purposes. This
is a very favourable transit for all category of students from secondary level
to higher level. Students will be able to pay sustained interest in their
studies and will shine in their academics; desire to learn more and more and
new things will grow in them.
Inheritance of paternal property is
in cards provided you have such yoga in your natal chart and favourable
planetary period is in operation. Understanding and cooperation with father and
younger sibling will go very amicable and supporting. Expectants of child birth
are likely to get their desire fulfilled. Children’s performance will make
parents happy and proud.
Those in relationship will find this
period very favourable. Single ones of marriageable age are expected to come
across their future spouse through long distance travel, higher education or
through religious activities.
Libra Ascendant: - For Libra ascendant, Jupiter rules 3rd
and 6th houses and will transit on to 8th house and his 5th
aspect will fall on 12th house, 7th aspect on 2nd
house and 9th aspect on 4th house. The overall result is
not supposed to favourably; therefore, you need to take extra care, especially
in matters related to health.
Jupiter’s transit to 8th
house as the lord of 3rd and 6th house is a clear
indication of accident and surgery. Fresh diseases may crop up and chronic diseases may require
long hospitalization and surgical intervention. Huge expense is likely on
medical ground but, at the same time getting sudden money and legacy are also
on the cards.
If you are involved in any disputes
and court cases then you need to be cautious for the results and outcomes are
supposed to go against you. You are also suggested to remain away from being entangled in any type
of disputes and controversy during this period. Relationship with your
younger sibling and neighbours may turn sour. Mother’s health may also demand
urgent medical attention. Household responsibility upon you is likely to deepen; location change of
residence also is on cards.
Interest towards spirituality and
esoteric branches of knowledge such astrology, numerology, tarot will increase
in you and you start studying these branches of knowledge deeply. You may also
start to practise Kundalini awakening.
Remedy: - Om Brishav Dhajaye Bidmahe
|| Ghrini Hastaye Dhimahi|| Tanno Guru Prachhodayat ||
Scorpio Ascendant: - For Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter rules
2nd house and 5th house and will transit on to 7th
house and from the 7th house Jupiter will cast his 5th
aspect on 11th house, 7th aspect on ascendant or 1st
house and 9th aspect on 3rd house. Jupiter is Karaka
planet for Scorpio ascendant and hence he is supposed to deliver beneficial
Single ones of marriageable ages will
like get married. Those who are in relationship will have excellent time; it
will go very smooth and romantic and in case they wish to convert their
relationship into marriage then this period will be very supportive for them. Relationship,
understanding and bonding between already married couples will get deepened.
Partnership business and family
business will expand, especially the business related to the domain of
transport, communication and large networking will have excellent expansion and
growth. Younger and elder siblings will also have very
good time and relationship and cooperation with them will go very fine.
Sagittarius Ascendant: - For Sagittarius Ascendant Jupiter
rules the ascendant or the 1st house and 4th house and is
transiting through 6th house. From 6th house Jupiter will
cast his 5th aspect on 10th house, 7th aspect
on 12th house and 9th aspect on 2nd house.
Jupiter’s transit on to the 6th
house and in his enemy sign cannot be considered good from the health
perspective. Ill health, accident, hospitalization and expenses on health will
be on cards; besides, mother’s health is also likely to go through rough road.
Possibility of misunderstanding and disputes regarding property may arise;
however, you will be able to tackle the issues without allowing it to go worse.
In case you are already dabbled with
disputes and legal matters or court cases then during this period of Jupiter’s
transit you will be able to short out the issues resourcefully. For repayment of old loans, if any, or to get
a fresh loan for the purchase of property or/and vehicle this transit will be
helpful for you.
The best side of this transit is that
those who are trying to get job will be able to get it and those who have
already been in service will possibly get hike of their salary. The working
place environment will remain pleasant; in case any challenges and obstacles
existed in the work place then you will be able turn the
atmosphere favourable through your insightful handling the situation.
Remedy: - Recite the Guru Upasana
manta: - “Om bring Brihaspataye Namah”.
Capricorn: -Jupiter rules the 3rd and
12th house for Capricorn ascendant will transit on to 5th
house from the ascendant and will aspect 9th house, 11th
house and 1st house or the ascendant. Jupiter’s transit through 5th
house is considered auspicious but Jupiter is not a karaka planet for the
Capricorn ascendant; nonetheless, based on his natural karakatwa, Jupiter is
expected to deliver good results for the 5th house.
Your desire for learning will
enhance, especially new knowledge on the traditional subjects, philosophy,
theology, tantra-mantra, and law. During this transit you will widen the
horizon of your knowledge. Students will try to give their best possible; their
academic performance will shine. Your hobby in the literary field will possibly
find an outlet and expression. This period will prove to be blissful for the
writers, especially those who write long stories, novels and travel stories.
Those in relationship will find this
period very blissful. Couple expecting birth of child will hopefully get
blessed with birth of child.
Aquarius: - For
Aquarius ascendant Jupiter rules 2nd house and 11th house
and is transiting through 4th house. From the 4th house Jupiter will
cast his 5th aspect on 8th house, 7th aspect
on 10th house and 9th aspect on 12th house.
Temporary yoga for purchasing house,
property, and/or vehicle is formed; if you have such yoga in your natal chart
and currently running through the Mahadasha and/or Antardasha of the 4th
house lord, Mars, Saturn, Venus or Jupiter then definitely you will buy them.
Renovation of house and buying the things of creature comforts is sure-shot
Getting parental property inheritance
is also possible during this transit provided you have this yoga in your natal
chart. Change of residence and long-distance or foreign travel are on the
Relationship with mother will go very
fine and her health also will remain comfortable. The domestic environment will
remain very pleasant with the touch of religious and educative ambience. The
work place environment will remain congenial and possibility of salary hike
cannot be denied.
Pisces: - For Pisces ascendant,
Jupiter rules the 1st house, i.e., ascendant itself and 10th
house, i.e., the house of profession and is transiting through 3rd
house. From 3rd house Jupiter will cast his 5th aspect on
7th house, 7th aspect on 9th house and 9th
aspect on 11th house. Therefore, for Piscean this transit is
supposed to deliver favourable results.
This transit of Jupiter will be very
good for those who are associated to the media, communication, transport, and
networking related business. This period can be very supportive for start-up of
new business. Besides, contract, documentation and joint business-related
business will find the tide in their favour.
Mutual understanding and cooperation
with siblings, coworkers and peers will improve. Your hobby and hand skill are
expected to find a platform for expression. Frequent short and long-distance
travels in relation to profession and religious purpose are on the cards.
Aspirants of getting married are expected to fulfil their desire.
The bad side of this transit for
Piscean is that they might grow to be lazy, procrastinated, and indulgent.
Therefore, it is advisable for them to overcome these side-effects of this
transit to avail the good results mentioned above.
Interested individuals can reach out to me for a personalized horoscope
reading. Contact me via WhatsApp at 9401801731. Or email-astro.bashkar@gmail.com
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Horoscope 2027
12 Horoscope Signs
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