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Astrology on Early Education Part:1

By education, the formal education that is based on seriously designed and prescribed curriculum is meant here. It is interesting to note that astrology is such a wonderful instrument which can precisely predict one’s level of attainment of education and the degree of that education.
The R.S. system is not a new branch of astrology; it is just a methodology of prediction which analyses data empirically with an objectivity of precision in prediction. To deal with the prediction in this discipline, astrology divides the contemporary structure of education into two broad divisions: Primary education and Higher education. 

By primary level of education is meant up to senior secondary i.e. XII standard and by higher education college and university level of education. It also foretells accurately whether or not one will pursue (based on aptitude) vocational/technical stream of education. Having said this it is interesting to note that categorically there is no specific house or houses in astrology to predict ones future course of education.
The 4th house and its lord stand for the mind, its concentration and memory inter-alia. The Moon is the lord of the 4th house of the zodiac is considered as significator of mind and memory. 

The 5th house stands for intelligence, cognitive development and artistic, aesthetic aptitude. The lord of 5th house and Venus also stand for artistic ability and skill. Mercury is the significator of intellect, genius ability, and skill. Jupiter stands for the higher level of knowledge.

The acquirement of primary level education which is based on one's memory power and concentration of mind is judged from the 4th house, its lord and the 2nd house and its lord because the 2nd house is the 11th house i.e. house of fulfilment and increase for the 4th house. In the natal chart the following conditions need to be examined to predict on primary level education:

Ø The strength and weakness or inconsistency of the 4th house.
Ø If the 4th house is afflicted by malicious or its lord’s enemy planet/planets by occupation or by aspect. If not afflicted then it is good.
Ø If the 4th house has an aspect from planet/planets which are natural friends to the lord of the 4th house. If it has aspect then it is good.

Ø What house is occupied by the lord of the 4th house? If it is posited in its friendly sign and in cardinals/trines/house of increase (3rd, 6th, 11th), then it is good. In case of 6th house position, it needs to examine if the 6th house sign is friendly or inimical to the lord of the 4th house. If friendly and its lord (6th house) in elevated or exalted position and posited in a favourable house and inauspicious aspect, then it is good, otherwise not.
Ø The 6th, 8th and 12th house position of the lord of the 4th house is not good.
  If the Moon occupies a friendly sign or any of the cardinals or trines or a sign of its exaltation, then it is good. If it occupies any one of the houses of increase, still it is not bad; but, its otherwise position is not good.
Continued to the next page...

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