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Sun:the king of Planets.

The Sun is the central body of the solar system. He is the universal source of light and warmth. So, incontrovertibly, he is considered as the giver of life form and the saver of life. In the realm of astrology, he is both the soul and backbone. He rules over the sign, Leo. His exaltation sign is 19° of Aries and depression 19°of   Libra. He represents fire element and is temperately hot, dry and masculine.  Amongst signs of the zodiac, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces are his friends. The Jupiter, Mars, and the waxing Moon are natural friends of him. However, he cooperates and behaves sympathetically with other planets except for the Saturn. In a given chart, he can be good or evil depending upon the configurations formed with him.

When the sun is placed in Leo, in rising, the native has a broad forehead, piercing eyes, aquiline nose, light curly hair, long and thin but strongly built body, strongly masculine and handsome/beautiful countenance. He rules over the vital organs such as head, brain, eyes, heart and artery, and lungs. So, he governs the organic diseases, namely, arthritis, gastric ulcer, cancer, thyroid, asthma, diabetes and heart diseases. A weak Sun by position and evil glance in the chart indicates proneness to these diseases. Where the sun is in a dominant position a native is a person of strong will, self-respect, confidence, determination, and foresight. A strong Sun with dignified aspect makes the native noble, magnanimous, generous, compassionate, and humane in nature. On the contrary, a weak sun makes a native foolishly proud, arrogant and stubborn, uncharitable, superficial and of macho pride. When the sun occupies well dignified and dominant position endows the native with of the given chart both uncommon characteristics and fortune to facilitate to rise much above the station to which the native is born.  In the charts of natives holding top executive positions such as CEOs of MNCs, Political executives, government executives, defense executives, Public servants, religious abbots and nationally accredited social activists, the sun is always seen in its dignified position.
The most important point to be noted here is that an ill-placed, ill aspected and bruised sun by malefic planet/planets retracts the favorable terms bestowed by other inferior planets. In such position, one can’t sail his smoothly. He has to endure bouts of buffets in life.
                        The End.

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