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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Saturn in the Perspective of Astrology. Part:1

The Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the 2nd largest planet after Jupiter in the solar system. It takes 29 years 167 days and 5 hours to go round the Sun. He(Saturn)is more than 760 times bigger than the earth. Saturn rules over two signs of the zodiac: Capricorn and Aquarius. In general, Saturn has overtones of an obstacle, delay, frustration, isolation and insularity, concentration, inertia, and servitude. In the physical plane, it governs bones, hair, nails, and teeth.  Saturn Saturn is the force of aging and therefore represents all that corrodes, eats and clogs. And, thus the diseases that he  represents  are chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, cancer, tuberculosis, insanity, rheumatism, and toothache, epilepsy, black jaundice, catarrh, melancholy, fistulas, apoplexy, dropsy and leprosy, deafness and adenoid growths. Saturn’s affliction in any one of the twelve signs and houses can cause one of these diseases.   If Saturn is afflicted in earth

The Saturn in the Perspective of Astrology. Part:2

Continued from the previous page: - One of the dreadful features of Saturn is its “Sade Saati” the (Elarata of Saturn). ‘Sade saati’ is an Indian word which means 7½ years. Saturn stays for a period of 2½ years in a sign of the zodiac. Thus it takes 7½ years to travel 3 signs (90°). The period, when the Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from the Moon ascendant are called ‘Sade Saati’ i.e. 2½@3=7½.  Saturn The point of time when Sade Saati starts 45° ahead of the longitude of the Moon in a natal chart and the time it ends when it (Saturn) travels 45° away from the longitude of the Moon.  This progression period of the Saturn is feared that it will bring in distress in life. But, in fact, it is always not so with each and every birth chart. If Saturn is in the elevated position, or at a position of cardinal points or trine position from the ascendant and not afflicted by an enemy planet, then, the ‘Sade Saati’ period proves to be a beneficial peri

Rahu & Ketu in the Indian Predictive Astrology. Part:1

Rahu and Ketu are two such names in Indian predictive astrology which engender frightening sense in our psyche. These two planets do not exist in western astrology. In the Indian astrology, Rahu and Ketu have been attributed the position of planets for predictive purposes; but, as in the western, the remotest planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not applied for prediction purpose in Indian classical system of prediction.  However, in the contemporary period, many Indian scholars of astrology apply 12 planets including the Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto for prediction purpose. The edifice of Indian astrology is based on the belief of birth cycle of human being. And, Rahu and Ketu are the two planets which give us information about our last and next birth. Besides, the role of these planets is sine-qua-none in predicting the mundane affairs of life. In fact, without Rahu and Ketu, no prediction can be made. The two Nodes of the Moon are named as Rahu and Ketu. The North No