Continued from the preceding post... | Planets | Body Parts | Diseases |
1 | The Sun | Head, Brain, Heart, Lungs | Blood Pressure, High Fever, Cerebral disorders, Poor Eyesight. |
2 | The Moon | Breast, Bladder, Eyes, Nerves and Arteries, Uterus, Ovaries | Mental Aberration, Menstrual disorders, Hysteria, Bronchitis. |
3 | The Mars | Bone marrow, Limbs, Muscles, Blood | High fever, Haemorrhage, Abortion, Cuts & Burns. |
4 | The Mercury | Skin, Nose, Tongue, Ears, Nervous System | Dumbness, Deafness, Skin and Nasal diseases |
5 | The Jupiter | Liver, Lungs | Liver, Digestive disorders, Abscesses. |
6 | The Venus | Genital organs, Semen, Urinary System, Eyes. | Venereal complaints, Diabetes, Throat trouble. |
7 | The Saturn | Bones, Nails, Hair | Asthma, Tuberculosis, Insanity. |
8 | Rahu | ….. | Epilepsy, Measles, Leprosy, Itches. |
9 | Ketu | Central Nervous System | Epilepsy, Measles, Itches, Leprosy. |
Our body is made up of four matters, vis. Air, Water, Fire, and Earth and the properties of these matters are present in the signs of the zodiac. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, the fiery signs represent the fiery elements in our body and thus these three fiery signs govern vitality and control such vital organs as the head and heart. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the earthy signs represent the earthy element in our body and control the bones and flesh. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius represent the airy properties and govern respiration and lungs. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the watery signs represent the watery element and govern over the digestive, circulatory, and excretory system of our body.
Again, each planet is understood to represent certain physiological process/function in human body, such as the Sun governs energy and vitality, the moon nutrition, the Mars antibody system and excretion of toxic chemicals, the Mercury the nervous system and toxic chemicals, the Jupiter carbohydrate metabolism, haemoglobin, and ductless gland, the Venus lymphatic system, and duct glands, the Saturn the Skelton and fibrous tissue, Rahu purification through perspiration, and Ketu central nervous system.
Continued to the next post…
Continued to the next post…