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Jupiter: the Planet of Knowledge & Wisdom.

Astrological prediction is based on planets’ configuration in a birth chart. In Indian traditional predictive astrology the three outer space planets; Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not applied. The Sun being the head of the solar system exerts tremendous influence on every entity of the system. The Moon is the moon of the earth and nearest to us. So, its impact upon the psyche of human beings is beyond any dispute.

Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of Moon are given the position of planets in Indian predictive astrology. Thus, the influence exerting planets (in the context of Indian predictive astrology) are The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. In this blog, I am going brief the characteristics and role of Jupiter in a native’s horoscope. Jupiter is the largest planet of all the nine planets of the solar system. According to the distance from the Sun, it occupies 5th position. Its distance from the sun is changing as its orbit is elliptical; when it is closest to the Sun the distance is 588 million km and when farthest 968 million km. In the same way, the distance between the Earth and the Jupiter keeps changing as both of them revolve around the Sun through their own elliptical orbits. 

When they are closest the distance is 628,743,036 km and 928,081,020 km when farthest. The surface area of Jupiter is 61, 418, 738, 571; the Earth is smaller by 120 times. Jupiter’s average surface temperature is -108.15° C and the Earth’s average temperature is 15° C.
 Jupiter rules over two signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. It is exalted in Cancer from 0° to 5°; debilitated in Capricorn from 0° to 5° and strong Multrikona) in Sagittarius from 0° to 10°. Astrology considers it a hot, masculine, beneficial and social planet. It has the instincts of spends, expansion, creativity, generosity, hospitality and spiritual emotions. This is a planet of luck and fortune for good reasons. He is tolerant and expansive. Its element is sky/ether. Jupiter also represents abstract mind and rules higher learning. It is a planet of Sattwika and Brahman in Varna. It rules the North-East direction.The jupitarean is tall, well built, handsomely proportioned with a commanding personality. He should have an oval face; honey colored eyes, elevated forehead, wide chest and long feet. He is tolerant, wise, magnanimous, temperate, just and good and spiritual and inclined towards philosophy. People feel happy and secure in his association. He is frank and reasonably transparent. A native born under the strong influence of Jupiter cannot be of bad character; this point gets accentuated if Jupiter forms 120° or 60° angles (especially 120°) with strong Moon. 
If he is in association with Mars in a favorable house, especially in cardinals or Trines or in 60° or 120°apart, this relationship endows the native with tremendous administrative and organizational potentiality. However, if the Jupiter is ill dignified in a person’s natal chart, the individual will be of shallow learning, shallow abilities, and fanatic in religion, conceited, lazy, self-indulgent, careless and prodigal in everything.

In astrology, Jupiter is considered significator of wisdom, wealth, higher learning, and children. If it is placed in the 2nd or 11th house, it gives wealth; but never affluently more. In case of physical organs, Jupiter governs liver, lungs, renal function and carbohydrate metabolism. Afflicted and ill aspected Jupiter, especially by the Saturn can make one’s liver torpid or sluggish.The jupitereans are fond of eating.

                                 The End.

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