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Jupiter Transit on Taurus 2024 For All Ascendants

  Jupiter is going to leave Aries sign and transit on to Taurus on 1st May 2024 and His transit on Taurus will remain till 14th May 2025. Jupiter is the biggest of the seven planets of solar system. Jupiter transit is awaited with much hope and expectation for Jupiter is believed to be the significator of auspiciousness, growth and expansion; his transition sign and the signs that receive his aspects are considered to have the touch of auspiciousness and divinity even though he may give bad results in case he becomes the ruler of the bad houses in the chart. So, even in such cases, Jupiter’s transit and aspects can neutralise the malefic effects the house if any. And when he owns good houses, his transit and aspects have the capacity to boost the auspiciousness and auspicious growth of the houses concerned. In this article, I am going to discuss the possible effects of this transit against all 12 ascendants. So, this discussion is based on the ascendant, not o
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Rahu Transit 2023 to Pisces And Remedy

·           Rahu or the North Node or the Dragon’s Head will transit on to the Pisces zodiac sign or Meen Rashi on 30/10/023 and will be residing there for about 18 months. Rahu, the shadow planet, does not own any sign; Rahu assumes the role of the lord of the sign or Rashi and environment to whichever he transits and works as per his own unique principles. ·        The key words of Rahu work principles are: obsession, illusion, the highest magnitude and dimension, dirty trickery, and desperate attitude for triggering actions. Because of his staying for a long period in a sing sign, about 18 months, the especial aspects over the other signs or planets for from his transiting sign, and obsessively desperate attitude, each and every transit of Rahu plays overwhelming role in our life. ·        In Vedic astrology, the usual rule of analysing the effects of transitions is to analyse it from the Moon sign or the Chandra Lagna. But it also equally attaches importunacy to