· Rahu or the North Node or the Dragon’s Head will transit on to the Pisces zodiac sign or Meen Rashi on 30/10/023 and will be residing there for about 18 months. Rahu, the shadow planet, does not own any sign; Rahu assumes the role of the lord of the sign or Rashi and environment to whichever he transits and works as per his own unique principles. · The key words of Rahu work principles are: obsession, illusion, the highest magnitude and dimension, dirty trickery, and desperate attitude for triggering actions. Because of his staying for a long period in a sing sign, about 18 months, the especial aspects over the other signs or planets for from his transiting sign, and obsessively desperate attitude, each and every transit of Rahu plays overwhelming role in our life. https://www.youtube.com/@astrologywithbhakta5199 · In Vedic astrology...
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