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Showing posts from January, 2021

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

  Symbol of Saittarius: - Centaur. Half horse, half archer.  Ruling lord: - Jupiter Element: - Fire Quality/ Modality: - Dual Colour: - Purple, Yellow, Dark blue, Plum (a dark reddish colour – purple colour) Sagittarius is the 9 th sign of the zodiac and the 9 th house of the Kaal Purush. This sign of the zodiac is called the sign of luck and fortune. Sagittarius is associated with growth, expansion, enlargement, increase, and uplifting.   In our body Sagittarius represents our Hips and Thighs, liver, Sciatic nerve, and Gout and Paralysis among main the diseases influenced by it. The Sagittarius being the fire element the Sagittarius people are very dynamic, energetic, and action oriented. They are inspiring, motivating and highly optimistic people.  Optimism and hope are their key words: even amid grave situation they always have unflinching flicker of hope deep down in their guts which inspires them to move on with the hope that something good, something better

Zodiac Sign Libra

  Zodiac Sign Libra Ruling lord: - Venus Symbol: - Scales Element: - Air Quality: - Movable/ Cardinal Color: - Baby blue, Pink, Pistachio (pale green), Lavender (pale purple), and Pale aqua (bluish green). Libra is the 7 th sign of the zodiac and 2 nd air sign and 3 rd cardinal or movable sign of the zodiac.   In human body Libra governs respiratory system and the lungs and lower back, kidneys, buttocks and skin. Venus, the ruler of Libra rules over Semen, Sex organs, urinary system, face and eyes. In our body, the 7 th house rules Urethra, bladder, Uterus, and Ovaries. Of the twelve signs of the zodiac Libra is the only sign which is symbolized by inanimate object: Scales; the scales of balance, equilibrium, symmetry, and scales of justice. So, the Libras crave fairness, harmony, peace, unity, equality and justice. Being a cardinal sign, the Libra persons are great initiators of ideas as well as executors of new ideas into action. Reflecting the characteris

Zodiac Sign LEO

Name of the sign: - Leo Symbol: -Lion Ruling lord: - Sun Modality: -    Fixed Element: - Fire Colour: - Shades of Gold, Regal Purple Burnt Orange. Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac. Leo is symbolized by lion.   The sin Leo is the ruler and the leader     of the zodiac. Its modality is fixed and element is fire.   The sign of Lion represents for warmth and creativity. In human anatomy it represents digestive system, Cardiac system and upper back. The fire of Leo is not the type of fire of Aries; the fire of Aries is a starter fire, burning fire and the fire of the Leo is the fixed fire. The fire of Leo is not    gushing and gusty or aggressive and short lived like that of fire of Aries; the fire of Leo is long lasting and steady that warms up and gleams up around.   The radiant heat of Leo fire is source of energy and vitality and creative knowledge for sustenance of life.    Leos are calm, cool and composed by nature. These celestial lions and lionesses are