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Showing posts from March, 2020

Mars: The Planet of Valour, Audacity and Determination.

According to astronomical facts the Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the immediate next one from the Earth in order of distance. Both the earth and the Mars follow elliptical orbits and Mars’s orbit being much larger than that of the earth, the distance between the earth and the Mars is not always the same; the maximum and minimum distances are 401 million km and 54.6 million km respectively and, the average distance is about 225 million km. It is called red planet because it looks red from the earth. In astrology Mars is called as the planet of war; Venus is called the planet of peace and love. Mars vs. Venus: war and peace. Mars is a masculine and natural malefic planet. In the zodiac it rules the signs Aries and Scorpio.   The Aries’ Mars signifies steadfastness and quick action. He is sanguine and agile. On the other hand, the Mars of Scorpio is a mental warrior; he strongly builds up its defensive wall before it attacks another.  He is the reservoir o

Moon: The Planet of Subconscious Mind and Basic Behavior.

#Role of Moon in your birth chart. The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth which completes one orbit around the earth in about 27 days and being the satellite of the earth, it is the nearest one of all the celestial bodies. The average distance between the earth and the moon is said to be only 384,400 km; the orbit of the moon being non-circular, the distance between the two changes approximately 1000 km in 6 hours. In relation to the zodiac signs, the moon travels 12° in average in 24 hours (it varies between 11° and 13°). The moon being the nearest celestial body to the earth, it exerts its influence greatly on the earth and the mind of human beings; the most glaring example of this force is the tides on the ocean and the noticeable changes seen in the    behavior among lunatics. In Vedic predictive astrology the moon occupies a very important and a special position. For predictive purposes, the Chandra kundali, the sign in which the moon falls, is also treat